‘Pièce Unique ceramixed media series















Weijers developed a series of vessels for his ‘Pièce Unique’ series, ceramixed media recycled earthenware, reflecting in full on the effects of covid-19 on the art practice and overall artworld. As a kind of resurrection of the horrific decorative kitsch vessels, his recycled ceramixed media earthenware pieces are sideways inspired by the work of the English contemporary artist Grayson Perry, well known for his ceramic vases, tapestries and cross-dressing, as well as his observations of the contemporary arts scene, and for dissecting British "prejudices, fashions and foibles". Like Perry, Weijers’ vessels have classical forms and are decorated depicting subjects at odds with their attractive appearance and the selection of shapes and content for his series of ceramixed media earthenware are generally based on classic kitschy and tacky trash-art decorative vases. Bearing friezes of skulls, viruses as well as more dark and literary scenes, often incorporate references to the Radical Pacifism concept. Weijers uses savage satirical titles and messages alongside sentiments of nostalgia for lost innocence and he feels the urge and need to put sex, violence or politics or any kind of social commentary onto his work. Without it, it would be plain and simple pottery, he states. The crude melding of those ingredients is what generates his works. Weijers’ vases are rendered with their richly textured mixed media surfaces from designs and techniques. He creates seductively beautiful vases to convey challenging themes and at the heart of his practice is a passionate desire to comment on deep flaws within society. Some of the titles Weijers gave to the vessels are ‘Karmacoma’, ‘Acid Pandemix', 'C19 Assertivity Training vessel', ‘Dreamscapes from the Garden of Earthly Delights’ and ‘2020'. In total he created a series of 12 vessels for the time being.