All-tar-Ego installation

The 2016 installation object All-tar-Ego by the Dutch artist Ron Weijers, is a stylized altar or shrine shaped object introduced as an All-Religion-Worship-Shrine.

The central concept and motiv for Weijers, behind the development of the Alltar-Ego installation, puts the spotlight on his conceptual and factual attempt to open up discussion and stimulate dialogue on the diversities and co-excistance of all specific deities or the religious persona one wishes to identify with for reasons of spiritual growth in relation with their social tolerance. The development of time-sharing worship space over the development of specific religion related shrines, churches, mosques, altars, chapels could positively influence the inter-religious relations within a divided world

The Alltar Ego object is introduced as a sacred dwelling, an all/religion meeting/place for humanity to rediscover its originally shared mystic body.

The All-tar-Ego installation is part of the Radical Pacifism project Weijers developed in 2016 and has been on display at Museum Vlaardingen/Kade 40 Geuzenmaand exhibition 2016 curated by Frans de Winter.