Pièce Unique series


Within the ‘Pièce Unique’ assemblages Weijers critically reflects, hones, and satirizes the political and religious headlines of today, while speculating on making those issues more tangible to a wider audience. Assemblages like 'Coup de Grâce' reflecting on the aftermath of the 2016 coup attempt and the role of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as President of Turkey and 'Souvenir from Fukushima' reflecting on the aftermath of the nuclear disaster at the Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma, Fukushima Prefecture, initiated primarily by a tsunami following the Tōhoku earthquake in 2011. With the assemblage ‘ViewMaster Pollution’ Weijers reflects on his aversion towards the subjective curatorial reviewing within the artworld. 


The multi-media artist Ron Weijers comments on our everyday (sur)realities while stimulating dialogue and discussion on social and geopolitical issues of our time. Within his Pièce Unique assemblages, Weijers addresses the ongoing challenges, symbolizing vulnerable minorities reaching out versus the majority that is looking conveniently the other way and/or is distracted by ‘alternative facts.’

In his work he considers the daily absurd - larger than life – (im)possibilities of this world by visualizing the essence, catching the heart of the issue at hand. His medium for these critical visualizations can be music, film, photography, drawing, painting, collage and assemblage.

Using both satire and social engagement, Weijers created an artistic body of work through his series of mixed media works such as Covert Ops (2014), EnVisual Dialogue (2016) and Radical Pacifism (2016) as well as his more recent series Pièce Unique. These series are all assemblages in which he critically reflects, hones and satirizes the political and religious headlines of today, while speculating on making those issues more tangible to a wider audience.